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'It's Possible To Be Pro-Vaccine And Anti-Mandate': GOP Sen. Blames Mandate On Job Openings
Pro-vaccine, anti-mandate: Backlash against college rules
'People Don't Want To Be Told What To Do': GOP Senator Slams Biden Vaccine Mandates
Anti-vaccine mandate bill raises concerns for business leaders
JUST IN: Republican Senators Detail Efforts To Stop ‘Unconstitutional’ Biden Vaccine Mandate
GOP risks government shutdown to fight Biden vaccine mandate
Staffing Concerns As Correction Officers Face Vaccine Deadline
Carhartt Employees Protest Vaccine Mandate
Allegheny Co. Terminates Workers Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
Vaccine mandate deadline for San Diego city employees has arrived | Impact on police officers
Lawyer breaks down vaccine mandates vs. decisions from federal judges
GOP Rep: All 212 House And Senate Republicans Plus Manchin Support Anti-Vaccine Mandate Resolution